
I broke rt 3.8.8 after updating my Centos 5 box with yum...it upgraded perl. I 
knew it was going to be a problem right after I did it.... 

I ran make testdeps in my rt3 source directory and used CPAN to update all of 
the missing modules... all but 1, the GnuPG::Interface module is not behaving. 

GPG missing dependencies: 
GnuPG::Interface ...MISSING 
Undefined subroutine &Mouse::Util::get_metaclass_by_name called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Any/Moose.pm line 103. 
make: *** [testdeps] Error 1 

I installed GnuPG 0.4.2 through cpan and manually installed it so I know it is 
installed. I did the same thing for Mouse and Any::Moose. 

I have seen 1 other similar instance of this on a search of gossamer threads 
forums from June 21st... so I am not alone. 

Any ideas on how to remedy this one? 

Mark Street, D.C., RHCE 
Chief Technology Officer 
Alliance Medical Center 
(707) 433-5494 
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