On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 10:06:50AM -0400, Jon Tollerton wrote:
> I recently upgraded from RT 3.8.1 to 3.8.8, authenticating against
> an OpenLDAP server.  I've seen a few posts indicating that the
> creation of new users doesn't work when using
> RT::Authen::ExternalAuth, with the workaround being to disable that
> plugin, create the user, and then enable the plugin again.  However,
> I'm seeing that problem with the creation of unprivileged users as
> well.  I need to be able to accept tickets via email from currently
> unknown users.  Do I have a configuration problem, or is
> RT::Authen::ExternalAuth no longer compatible with accepting tickets
> via email.

RT::Authen::ExternalAuth works fine when accepting tickets with email.
If you want to create users who do not exist in your AD tree you must
change the default AutoCreateNonExternalUsers.


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