Hello, I'm running RT 3.8.8 on Solaris 10 with Oracle 10g,

I would like to create a saved search that shows me everything that I
own that is due after today (basically a to-do list of long-term
items). I understand how to do the first part (everything I own) by
using '__CurrentUser__' in the owner field. But how do I query based
on the current date? Can I use an equivalent string such as
'__CurrentDate__'? This does not work, nor do a number of possible
alternatives (including sysdate).

I looked in /lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay_SQL.pm (where grep told me
__CurrentUser__ is implemented) and I did not find another replace for
any other variable. I also cannot find anything by searching in the
archives on this topic. Has anyone else searched based on the current
date who can give a quick answer? Or would I have to use custom code
to do this? If so, what should it be and where should it go?

Thanks in advance,

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