Hi all,

One of my users has the following search query:

Owner = 'Nobody' AND Queue != 'spam' AND (  Status = 'new' OR Status = 'open' )

sorted by LastUpdated, Asc, 50 per page.

The search returns 268 tickets, split across 6 pages. That
is fine.

However, this user does not have access to one of
the queues that some of the tickets are in. Since the first
50 tickets returned by the search are in that queue, the
user sees a blank results page, instead of the search just
going on to the next batch.

In other words, the user still sees 6 pages, only the pages
do not contain 50 tickets each like they should.

If only 150 of the tickets are visible to the user, then the
search should return 150 tickets split across 3 pages,
instead of returning all of the tickets and hiding some of

I am using RT 3.8.8. Has anybody else encountered this
problem, and is there a workaround or fix for it?

Mátyás Selmeci <mat...@cs.wisc.edu>
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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