first have a look onto these both addons:


this is what you are looking for.

2010/8/2 Paul Broadwith <paul.broadw...@blueivy.co.uk>

> I didn’t get any response to this – I’m assuming it’s either far too easy
> to do and I should know how to do it or it’s too complicated and nobody has
> done it …
> Can ANYBODY offer ANY suggestions at all or just a pointer in the right
> direction?
> Kind regards,
> Paul Broadwith (MBCS)
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Blue Ivy Ltd - Microsoft Small Business Specialist, UK Partner Qualified
> for 2010 and Microsoft Registered Partner
> [image: Description: blueivy_logo_emailsig.jpg]
> * *
> *Tel.:* 0845 862 0292
> *Web:* http://www.blueivy.co.uk
> *From:* rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com [mailto:
> rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] *On Behalf Of *Paul Broadwith
> *Sent:* 28 July 2010 20:03
> *To:* rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
> *Subject:* [rt-users] Setting RT to gather stats and bill for tickets
> I’m hoping somebody can point me in the right direction or even better,
> somebody has already done this. I’ve been using RT for some time now (around
> a year) and started really using it heavily in the last 4 months. It’s
> great. I love it. But it’s Perl based and I’m not J
> What I want to do is effectively get RT to give me some stats on the type
> of tickets / comments that have been logged and what they are logged for. I
> want to also be able to flag each ticket response as billable or unbillable
> and be able to total it up (either manually or preferably automatically).
> I have clients on different contracts. Some get server work included, some
> server and workstations and some everything. Sometimes a ticket will include
> work on servers, workstations or other stuff.  When I do some work, I enter
> a comment about it and how long it took. What I want to do is enter a
> comment, flag whether it’s server, workstation, other or onsite work and
> whether it is billable or not. At the end of the month I would like to get a
> list of all the comments and group them by workstation / server etc. and say
> ‘this month we did 14 hours of work on servers, 52 on workstations’ …. Etc.
> etc. I could also then total all the billable work and invoice for that
> accordingly as each client has their own queue.
> I am about to look at Custom Fields in the hope it will help me, but before
> I do this would anybody be able to tell me if this is the way to go or if
> there is a better way to do it?
> Any help much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Paul Broadwith (MBCS)
> Microsoft Certified Professional
> Blue Ivy Ltd - Microsoft Small Business Specialist, UK Partner Qualified
> for 2010 and Microsoft Registered Partner
> [image: Description: blueivy_logo_emailsig.jpg]
> * *
> *Tel.:* 0845 862 0292
> *Web:* http://www.blueivy.co.uk
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Torsten Brumm



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