On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 04:10:46PM -0700, Kenneth Crocker wrote:
>    We've had a particular situation come up a couple times now where someone 
> "outside" our
>    approved (LDAP) organization, was added as an 'other' Cc to a reply email 
> from RT. That person
>    then tried to do a reply back (into RT) and RT kicked it out, as it should 
> have. However, it
>    seems RT is continuing to send the error message over and over (days). Is 
> there a "for how
>    long" or a "X times" setting in rt-mailgate we can modify to stop this 
> endless error message?


You've not really provided a lot to go on.  Is the original mail still
in a postfix queue and being retried because rt-mailgate returns a
TEMPFAIL error or something else?  Without some actual data it is


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