On Fri, Aug 06, 2010 at 06:10:00PM -0400, Daniel Farst wrote:
> Using RT 3.8.2 and BlackBerry OS 5

Yep. We've found the lower-bound on the extension. Looks like it's
3.8.3. And you _really_ ought to be running at least  3.8.5 or newer.


> Whenever I try to display a ticket I'm getting an error saying
> could not find component for path '/Ticket/Elements/ShowPriority'
> When creating a new ticket, I get a similar error message except it says 
> "EditTransactionCustomFields" instead of "ShowPriority". When I click create 
> however I get another error: "Queue could not be loaded".
> Other than that this looks awesome!
> - Dan
> -- 
> Daniel Farst
> IT Support Coordinator
> College of Arts and Sciences
> Case Western Reserve University
> daniel.fa...@case.edu
> o: 216.368.2375
> m: 216.334.9146
> Public key on keyserver.pgp.com
> ----------------------------------
> Thursday, August 5, 2010, 5:08:31 PM, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> ----------------------------------
> > Over the past few weeks, I've been spending my time putting together an
> > initial implementation of a modern phone-friendly interface for RT.
> > We've just published the source code to
> > http://github.com/bestpractical/rt-extension-mobileui and it will show
> > up at http://search.cpan.org/dist/RT-Extension-MobileUI in the very
> > near future.
> > This is very much an initial release and I know there are things that
> > need improvement, though I'd greatly appreciate feedback to help figure
> > out what those improvements should be.
> > We've tested this new UI on the iPhone, Android 2.x, BlackberryOS 4.5
> > and 5.0, Kindle 2.5 and in a number of desktop browsers. We've only
> > tested this on a recent RT 3.8, but it _should_ work on older versions
> > of RT. Reports of failures on 3.6.x or 3.8.x would be much appreciated.
> > Once you install the extension, you can have a look around from your
> > desktop browser by visiting /m on your RT server.  The Mobile UI tries
> > pretty hard to detect mobile browsers and push them to the mobile login
> > page, though there's a link to get back to the full UI if it gets your
> > browser wrong.
> > Right now, the mobile interface supports:
> >         External Authentication
> >         Regular RT Login
> >         Creating Tickets
> >         Search (using the same "Simple Search" as the main UI)
> >         Display of saved searches
> >         Ticket display
> >         Ticket comment/reply
> >         Ticket history
> >         Attachment download
> >         
> > You can see some screenshots at http://blog.bestpractical.com/
> > -Jesse


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