To List,

I have a question about a situation that occurred just recently in my
(3.8.7) RT session. I have a scrip that notifies CC watchers on
Correspondence along with one that notifies AdminCC and the Requestor. When
I went to the "Reply" page to enter my text I saw the "check boxes" at the
bottom of the screen that indicated who would get a notification due to what
scrip. I checked the boxes for the CC watchers and yet they *still* got an
email. Has anyone else had this problem? I checked that those recipients
were not in any other group or role that was also to get a notification for
that Queue/Ticket (*no other* Queue watchers or Ticket CC's) They were not.
I'm stumped.

RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

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