On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 04:21:51PM +0200, Guadagnino Cristiano wrote:
> Hi all,
> is there anybody already using Sphinx with RT to implement fast and efficient 
> full-text search?
> For RT developers: are there plans for implementing better full-text search 
> in RT in the (near) future? What about RT 4?
> I just want to know before I spend considerable time and efforts trying to 
> integrate Sphinx in our RT setup.
> Bye
> Cris

I have not seen anything in the RT4 discussions about updating
or including a full-text search function. The easiest way is to
use one of the existing database backends with full-text support,
either PostgreSQL or Oracle currently. It would be great if you
could get a more general full-text index support into RT with
Sphinx, since it can use ODBC to access the backend data for
indexing. The need to use a second SQL connection to Sphinx and
the ODBC backend interconnect to the RT datastore really
complicates the interface.

Good luck,

RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
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