I'm pleased to announce that the first release candidate for RTIR 2.6.0 is
now available for download. 

The major change in RTIR 2.6 is improved control of custom fields in
RTIR. In earlier releases, all of RTIR's custom fields were prefixed with
'_RTIR_'.  RTIR 2.6 continues our work to move RTIR to using standard
RT APIs and extension mechanisms.  It's now easier than ever to add and
remove fields in RTIR with fewer side effects and less custom code.

This upgrade is NOT fully automated. It's very important that you
validate all custom code stored in RT's database.  You can read more
about the upgrade procedure in the "UPGRADING" document included in
the distribution.  If you already have a support contract for your RTIR
instance or are interested in picking one up, Best Practical can make
staff available to help you plan your upgrade.

RTIR 2.6 is intended for use with RT 3.8.

Information on other changes in RTIR 2.6.0RC1 is below.



0e832292326abf129690af6f9a39c6d070d6e95a  RT-IR-2.6.0rc1.tar.gz
189cab91270c41b0bcf3b7c380b6d779e004ca38  RT-IR-2.6.0rc1.tar.gz.sig



* INCOMPATIBLE: prefix '_RTIR_' has been deleted from
  all custom fields in RTIR. See UPGRADING for upgrade
* INCOMPATIBLE: New option %RTIR_CustomFieldDefaults
  that replaces several $RTIR_*_default options that
  were there before, don't forget to update config.
* almost all default Custom Fields of RTIR now can be
  disabled or un-applied. Read more in Administration
* IP CF can be changed to single value
* On create with linking (a new child from an incident or a new
  incident from a child) use default values for custom fields
  from linked object
* allow to use any custom field for lookup, not only IP,
  no UI at the moment, but can be used via arguments of a URL
  in clicky actions or linked CFs
* switch SimpleSearch over to the buttonless version
* RTIR's SimpleSearch searches by IP in all queues if
  query is an IP only
* we have search in any RTIR's queue, so we need default
  search format, new entry in $RTIRSearchResultFormats
  config option
* switched over RT's style for RTIR's query builder
* RT::IR->OurQueue(...) method
* RT::IR->CustomFields(...) method
* refactored test suite for re-use in RTIR's extensions
* better described Incident input field on Create pages

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