
Thanks for responding. Yse, I do have a "return 1; in the Custom PRep area.
Actually, I have tried getting this to work with the code in one or the
other Custom Action areas. As an explanation of the context, I have not been
able to get CommanByMail to update a Custom Field defined as either "text"
or "Wikitext" if the content is over 76 or so characters. Apparantly, bith
Gmail and Thunderbird and perhaps others email providers embed a line break
character after that many characters and that causes a "line Break" in CBM
and I end up with only partial updates. So, being the stubborn person I am,
I got a perl guy to write some code I could put into a scrip that would
examine the content of an email, look for a define delimiter (like
"Description of Issue:") in the content and put everything after that
delimiter into the Custom Field. Make sense? It did to me. In fact, it works
perfectly when I set the condition to a Type = "Create" and message header =
"received". But on a Correspond (meaning an update email as opposed to a
create), it just doesn't seem to see the email at all. Nothing. Nada.
Well, anyway, here's the code:

# Setup initial values

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;
my $cf_obj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $cf_name = "Description";
my $cf_value = "Didn't work";
my $message = $ticket->Transactions->First->Content;
my $passed = 0;
my $content;
my $line;

# split up lines in content by line break

my @lines = split("\n", $message);

# walk thru @lines and find the description

foreach $line (@lines)
     if  ($passed == 1)
          if  ($content =~ m/^\n$/)
               $content = $content.$line;
               $content = $content."\n".$line;
     if  ($line =~ m/^Description of Issue:/)
          $line =~ s/Description of Issue://;
          $content = $content."\n".$line;
          $passed = 1;

$cf_value = $content;

# set the value for CF Description

$cf_obj->LoadByName( Name => $cf_name );
$RT::Logger->debug( "Loaded \$cf_obj->Name = ". $cf_obj->Name() ."\n" );
$ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field=>$cf_obj, Value=>$cf_value,
RecordTransaction=>0 );

return 1;

Thanks for your help.


On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 2:36 AM, Raed El-Hames <raed.el-ha...@vialtus.com>wrote:

>  Ken:
> Can you post the code that you cut and pasted to get a better idea of the
> problem.
> Also something that I always fall into , is writing my action code in “Custom
> action cleanup code:”  and forgetting about and leaving
> “Custom action preparation code:”  completely empty, you will need
> return true ;
> there.
> Roy
> *From:* rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com [mailto:
> rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] *On Behalf Of *Kenneth Crocker
> *Sent:* 08 October 2010 17:25
> *To:* rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
> *Subject:* [rt-users] Help with "Correspond" condition
> To List,
> I have some code that strips information out of the content and sticks it
> into a Custom Field. IT works great when I trigger it with an condition set
> for email create tickets. Every time, it works with no problem.
> However, when I set the condition for "On Correspond" it does nothing. I
> want to be able to update that Custom FIeld the same way I create it
> initially and I figured "On Correspond" was the right condition. Apparently
> not.
> I look ed in the TRANSACTIONS Table and I See the Type as "Correspond". So
> why doesn't the same code (I copied and pasted) that works for a "Create"
> not work for "On Correspond"?
> My error messages (which don't make sense since I am user 146 and am a
> SuperUser) are below:
> [Fri Oct  8 16:07:44 2010] [warning]: Couldn't enable user 146
> (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm:1143)
> [Fri Oct  8 16:12:51 2010] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an
> argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined)
> (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Group_Overlay.pm:1046)
> Can anyone help me on this? I just need to get the condition right.
> Thanks.
> Kenn
RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

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