Thanks Mathieu: I got it. An extra $ was needed before ARGSRef from line 3. I 
have no idea what it is for, I followed other examples from the Internet.
Also the description field is called 'content'. Thanks again.

On Sun, 17 Oct 2010 11:35:08 -0400, Mathieu Longtin wrote:
> <%INIT>
> my $ARGSRef = $ARGS{'ARGSRef'};
> if ( not $ARGSRef{'id'} ) { # Check if the ticket is really empty
> before doing anything   $ARGSRef{'Subject'} ||= 'Default subject';  
> $ARGSRef{'Requestor'} ||= ''; } </%INIT>
> <%ARGS> </%ARGS>

RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
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