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Sent from my phone, sorry for all typo's.

Am 20.10.2010 um 21:02 schrieb "Jeff Lucas" <jlu...@eagleinvsys.com>:

> Hello.
> Get the following when running “make install” for Asset Tracker…
> <snip>
> Creating types...[Wed Oct 20 18:28:29 2010] [crit]: Can't locate object 
> method "ACLEquivalenceObjects" via package "RTx::AssetTracker::System" at 
> /apps/rt-3.8.8/lib/RT/Principal_Overlay.pm line 327, <SCHEMA> line 78. 
> (/apps/rt-3.8.8/lib/RT.pm:382)
> Can't locate object method "ACLEquivalenceObjects" via package 
> "RTx::AssetTracker::System" at /apps/rt-3.8.8/lib/RT/Principal_Overlay.pm 
> line 327, <SCHEMA> line 78.
> make: *** [initdb] Error 255
> I found a few suggestions after Googling but nothing that helps. Any help 
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Jeff Lucas

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