On 11/19/2010 04:54 PM, John Arends wrote:
This solves the problem I was having with the non-mobile browser link.

Works for me too, thanks Jesse.


On 11/19/10 12:13 PM, Jesse Vincent wrote:
I've just pushed 1.00 to CPAN. tell me if it deals right.

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 09:02:18AM +0000, G.Booth wrote:
Hi Jason

I asked the same thing last week, but updating to version 0.99
>from CPAN fixed it for me, the mobile browser is automatically
redirected to the mobile ticket show URL.
It seems to be semi-fixed for me, used to get the error that's been

Can't call method "id" on an undefined value at

line 4.

This has now stopped, but I cant get the url to go to the ticket :-[

I am seeing the same problem that John Arends reported though, the
link to switch to the full interface does not work for me. I
tried adding a / after m, but it didn't fix it for me. However,
if I add the full /index.html after the m, then it does work for


Got this one too :-[



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