To List,

I've continued to have problems with getting an error message from RT when
using CommandByMail and I found an interesting situation:

When I *create* a ticket using email and include many fields (dates and
otherwise), the ticket is created and I get no error message back.

When I try to *update* a ticket using CommandByMail (referencing the ticket
in the Subject line), the ticket is updated, yet I get an error message back
from RT in email stating errord for the date fields. Yet the data WAS

I went to the rt.log and noticed that the update fields get updated, then a
transaction Type "Correspond" is processed and THEN the error messages get

I then went to the DataBase and looked at the TRANSACTION Table and found
the transactions and sure enough, there is a transaction record Type "Set"
for each date field and any other fields all followed by that "Correspond":
Type trans record. I also noticed that regardless of what non-date fields I
am updating in sequence after the date fields, the transactions for the date
fields are always processed last just before the transaction type

I just did a complete install of CommandByMail to ensure I hadn't
accidentally messed up any files.

So, I have two questions:

1) Why does the "Create" email work without any error messages and the
"Update" work but send error messages?
2) Why would CBM go ahead and update the ticket and then only when it
processes the "Correspond" transaction decide to send out error messages for
the date fields?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.


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