On 11/27/2010 03:05 AM, G.Booth wrote:
> Hi John
> might be a quick one, as there's a missing { after Due Date: " 

Yeah, I noticed that after I posted.  I added the '{' and it didn't
help.  I also tried each line individually and it didn't work.  Is
'Starts' and 'Due' even valid fields for $Ticket in the template?  I
used perldoc on the Ticket.pm file and saw those values there.
I tried searching the wiki and also google to try and find a list of
valid objects, fields, etc that can be used in a template, but the best
I could find was this:
http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/ClassObjectsMethods; and that page
doesn't really help at all.

John Alberts
Hosted Services
Exlibris USA
cell: 1-508-878-2197

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