On 6/12/10 1:49 PM, "RAT" <rober...@netzero.net> wrote:
> We are nearly finished with a new RT deployment but the request was made to be
> able to print out reports for each user for each day showing hours worked and
> where there are gaps (I know *sigh*).  I didn't see any reports or extensions
> that exactly fit the bill.  Does anyone have any ideas?
> Robert Threet
> http://yesistilluseperl.blogspot.com/
> ____________________________________________________________
> Moms Asked to Return to School
> Grant Funding May Be Available to Those That Qualify.
> http://thirdpartyoffers.netzero.net/TGL3231/4cfd5aba7930f5ca310st02duc

My best guess would be to use a script that either uses the REST API to get
the info from the DB, or reads directly from the DB to get the ticket work
time and then output a pretty HTML report per user, which is linked off a
roster, or some-such.

Gary L. Greene, Jr.
IT Operations
Minerva Networks, Inc.
Cell:   (650) 704-6633
Office: (408) 240-1239

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