That is correct. But how do I make use of the RT::Action::SendEmail module to 
send the notification incorporating my To: field. Or is there a better way to 
send out a custom notification? 

Thanks for the help, 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone" <> 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 8:59:25 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 11:42:03AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I am looking for a way to send an email from RT to a specified e-mail address 
> that is not an 
> account in RT or associated with the ticket as a requestor, watcher, CC:, 
> BCC:...etc.... 
> I have the logic down to specify the e-mail address and have some nasty perl 
> code to actually 
> send the e-mail. But, it seems that RT has some internal module(s) that 
> handle what the nasty 
> perl code is doing. 
> I can see the RT::Action:SendEmail module, but how do I incorporate that into 
> a script that 
> allows me to do what I am looking to do? 

Sounds like you actually just want to use a normal Notify action, but 
have the template contain your ugly logic that sets up the To: line 
based on your perl code 


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