I've been working on one for SuSE on the wiki. I'm still a little behind on
getting it all done.

On 13/12/10 4:14 PM, "John Arends" <jare...@illinois.edu> wrote:

> On Dec 13, 2010, at 6:06 PM, Gary Greene wrote:
>> On 13/12/10 9:43 AM, "John Arends" <jare...@illinois.edu> wrote:
>>> CPAN makes me cranky, but trying to package all the perl modules as RPMs
>>> makes me crankier. It's like wrapping one packaging system around
>>> another one, and fighting with both of them.
>> This is why I use cpan2rpm every time.
>>> The reality is, every time RHEL updates perl, RT will break. I solve
>>> this by having an identical test system. I apply the updates, see what
>>> breaks, and then reinstall the perl modules in question using CPAN.
>> This ALSO can be avoided, if you know how to package your cpan2rpm packages
>> in site instead of vendor locations. This allows that NONE of the issues
>> that are endemic of RHEL's busted Perl packaging to cause long term
>> headaches for me.
> Do you know of a guide that explains how to do this?

Gary L. Greene, Jr.
IT Operations
Minerva Networks, Inc.
Cell:   (650) 704-6633
Office: (408) 240-1239

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