
We're running RT 3.8.8 and using RT-Authen-ExternalAuth 0.08 to authenticate 
against Active Directory. Any new AD account I create can logon to RT, and have 
corresponding account created in RT, if it is in the necessary security group, 
but older accounts, mine included, pass the password test, but fail at the 
group membership test, and fail to logon. The RT account, however, does get 
created. The log entries look like this...

Jan  5 15:12:29 RT388 RT: AD_GROUP2 AUTH FAILED: my-name 
Jan  5 15:12:29 RT388 RT: FAILED LOGIN for my-name from 

As I said above, older accounts (3 years plus) which are members of the group 
being tested fail to fully authenticate, while new accounts which are members 
of the same group, authenticate properly. In fact, If I comment out the group 
test from RT_SiteConfig.pm, I can logon to RT with my old account.

I don't know if this is pertinent, but we upgraded to Exchange 2007 a few 
months back, and I wonder if the AD schema changes could be affecting things?


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