Good point Shawn: there is a Calendar link at the top of the Search Results page, along with Edit Search, Graph, etc, and it shows the filtered results in a Calendar format. Interestingly though, sometimes it shows the task details in a hover-over box, other times it embeds the details right in the calendar. Refreshing the page a couple of times brings the hover-over back. The Calendar link itself doesn't always appear either and I have to refresh a time or two to see it. Any ideas what would cause that?

Thanks much-


MyCalendar is included in $HomepageComponents (below) but nothing
related to Calendar appears on the homepage. In fact, if I comment
out the $HomepageComponents line completely and restart the web
server, the homepage still looks the same, even if I clear my
browser cache. How could that be?

Just adding it to HomepageComponents doesn't make it show up on your
homepage, it makes it available.  You need to click on Preferences ->
RT at a Glance


I have the ExternalAuth plugin configured in the same file (below) and it is working fine.

Search on "Calendar" and "calendar" shows no results.

Also note that this is searching for tickets that are *about* calendars.
You should see a link to the calendar from the tickets search results
page alongside other display formats like spreadsheet and chart.


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