Hello Tobias,

Users can't establish ticket ownership if you don't grant them to.

Users can add info to their tickets if they can "ReplyToTicket". You don't have to grant them "ModifyTicket" or "StealTicket". If you do, then you grant them to set the owner of a ticket (and more...). So try to revoke ModifyTicket and StealTicket to your users and see what happens.

Hope it helps,

Tobias Hieta escribió:

We are right now looking to implement Request Tracker at a customers place and 
we have been running a long test phase with limited personal involved. While 
the feedback have been very positive we have noted some annoyances. I installed 
3.9 on a test machine the other day and to my delight a lot of the things that 
where noted in their feedback actually is fixed! So instead of deploying the 
current version we are now looking for deploying 3.9 as soon as it's available. 
So I just wanted to know if you guys have any feeling when you think this will 
be released in a non-beta way? I know that it's impossible to give hard dates, 
but maybe you know if it's 1 or 6 months away?

The second question is something that has been bugging me a lot, why is it that 
there is no permission for setting the owner in a ticket? In our case our 
end-customer is creating the tickets directly in the web-interface, and can 
update it there, but all the time they can actually change the owner for the 
ticket and I haven't found any permission to deny that... Is this intentional 
or am I missing something? Would a patch with this functionality added be 


Tobias Hieta

 _______ _______________________________________________________________
| __ __ | Carlos García Montoro                    Ingeniero Informático
|_\_Y_/_| Instituto de Física Corpuscular         Centro Mixto CSIC - UV
|\_] [_/| CPAN                                             www.i-cpan.es
|  [_]  | Edificio Institutos de Investigación        cgar...@ific.uv.es
|C S I C| Apartado de Correos 22085 E-46071 Valencia   Tel:+34 963543706
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