On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 04:48:36PM +0100, Björn Schulz wrote:
> this worked fo me
> {
>             my $Date = RT::Date->new($CurrentUser);
>             $Date->Set("Format" => 'sql', "Value" => $TA->Created);
>             $TempMap=$Date->ISO("Timezone" =>"user" );

Alternatively $TA->CreatedObj->AsString();

> }
> Cheers,
>  Björn
> Am 03.02.11 14:02, schrieb Björn Schulz:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > We like to print the creation date of a transaction to a cf..
> > 
> > $TempDate = $TA->Created()
> > 
> > The result is, however, in GMT.
> > How can I convert it to my local timezone?
> > 
> > Cheers,
> >   Björn
> > 


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