
RT provides some basic Conditions and actions. You've put code in for a
Custom Condition, yet you specifiy the *basic* "On Resolve". That's
redundant. Get ride of the Custom COndition Code.

However, that isn'tr the reason it doesn't work. You specified
"User-Defined" for your Action and I use "Notify Others". Try that and get
ride of all that Custom Code.


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Vikas Srivastava <> wrote:

> Hi Kenn ,
> Any pointers on the following please . Still struggling to get this working
> .
> Regards
> Vikas
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Vikas Srivastava <>
> Date: Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 3:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Sending Email to CustomField value
> To: Kenneth Crocker <>
> Cc:
> Hi Kenn ,
> Thank you so much , but for some reasons I am not able to get it working .
> Here is what I did .
> Created A Template :
> ------------------------
> Name : Send Email to Customer on Closure
> Description : Send Email to Customer on Closure
> Content:
>     RT-Attach-Message: yes
>     To: {$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Customer Email')}
>     Subject: Request Titled: "{$Ticket->Subject}"
>         Some Content here .
> Created A Scrip :
> ------------------------
> Description : Email On closure
> Condition : On Resolve
> Action : User Defined
> Template : Send Email to Customer on Closure
> Stage : TransactionCreate
> Custom condition: return 1;
> Custom action preparation code:return 1;
> Custom action cleanup code:return 1;
> When I resolved the case no email is sent to the email address mentioned in
> the Custom field named "Customer Email"
> Appreciate your inputs .
> Regards
> Vikas
> On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 8:52 AM, Kenneth Crocker <>wrote:
>> Vikas,
>> We do that thru the Template. Below is an example of what we do to send an
>> email to a person selected to be the QA tester/Approver of work before it is
>> migrated/resolved:
>> RT-Attach-Message: yes
>> To: {$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('QA Approver')}
>> Subject: Request Titled: "{$Ticket->Subject}" is ready to begin QA Testing
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Queue  : {$Ticket->QueueObj->Name}
>> Number : {$Ticket->Id}
>> Subject: {$Ticket->Subject}
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Priority is: {$Ticket->Priority}
>> Requestor  : {$Ticket->Requestors->UserMembersObj->First->Name}
>> Created  by: {$Ticket->CreatorObj->Name}
>> Created  on: {substr($Ticket->Created, 0, 10)}
>> Owned    by: {$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name}
>> Development Started on: {substr($Ticket->Started, 0, 10)}
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> To indicate your approval of the QA test results, merely
>> "Reply" (only) to this email with your comments:
>>                         Thank you,
>>                         {$Ticket->QueueObj->CorrespondAddress()}
>> We like to include a lot of Ticket data in our emails to the recipients.
>> All of out templates are custom.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Kenn
>> On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Vikas Srivastava <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi All ,
>>> Could you please help me in  creating a scrip that sends emails to email 
>>> addresses noted in custom field values .
>>> So say in CF1 i have
>>> And in CF2 i have .
>>> Upon case closure I would like to emails (different content) to be sent to 
>>> the above to CFs .
>>> Any help would be much appreciated .
>>> Regards
>>> Vikas

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