Hi All
Firstly, I should say, I'm really no coder. I can hack things about a bit, but 
thats about it.
I've adapted 
http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/AutoCloseOnNagiosRecoveryMessages into the 
We use Opsview, which is a modified version of Nagios, and formats its emails 
slightly differently. I've a scrip which is set for just the queue we need it 
for, with:
Condition: on create
Action: user defined
Template: global template: blank
Stage TransactionBatch

I've mashed the following:

my $problem_desc = undef;
my $problem_host = undef;
my $problem = undef;
my $search = undef;
my $Transaction = $self->TransactionObj;
my $subject = $Transaction->Attachments->First->GetHeader('Subject');
if ($subject =~ /RECOVERY: (.+) is OK on host (.*)/) {
    # This looks like a nagios recovery message
    $problem_desc = $1;
    $problem_host = $2;
    $problem = "$problem_desc on $problem_host";
    $RT::Logger->debug("found a recovery msg: $problem");
} else {
    $RT::Logger->debug("not a recovery msg");
    return 1;
# Ok, now let's merge this ticket with it's PROBLEM msg.
 my $search = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
    $RT::Logger->debug("doing search");
 $search->LimitQueue(VALUE => 'Reports');
 $search->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'new', OPERATOR => '=', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'or');
 $search->LimitStatus(VALUE => 'open', OPERATOR => '=');
    $RT::Logger->debug("did search");
 if ($search->Count == 0) { return 1; }
    $RT::Logger->debug("starting loop");
 my $id = undef;
 while (my $ticket = $search->Next) {
     # Ignore the ticket that opened this transation (the recovery one...)
     next if $self->TicketObj->Id == $ticket->Id;
     # Look for nagios PROBLEM warning messages...
     if ( $ticket->Subject =~ /PROBLEM: (.+) is (CRITICAL|WARNING|UNKNOWN) on 
host (.*)/ ) {
    $RT::Logger->debug("checking msg");
    $RT::Logger->debug("problem $problem checking $1 on $3");
         if ("$1 on $3" eq $problem){
     $RT::Logger->debug("found ticket");
             # Aha! Found the Problem TICKET corresponding to this RECOVERY
             # ticket
             $id = $ticket->Id;
             # Nagios may send more then one PROBLEM message, right?
             $RT::Logger->debug("Merging ticket " . $self->TicketObj->Id . " 
into $id because of OA number match.");
             # Keep looking for more PROBLEM tickets...

 $id || return 1;
 # Auto-close/resolve this whole thing
 $self->TicketObj->SetStatus( "resolved" );

Which is designed to look for messages with the subject line of:
RECOVERY: name of service is OK on host name.of.host
and then parse the remainder of the queue for associated problem tickets with 
the subject line of
PROBLEM: name of service is CRITICAL on host name.of.host
when it finds them - it should merge and close.

I actually want to extend this further to merge the 'problem' emails along the 
way, but wanted to get this first stage working properly first.

The above works, if I email in myself with a relevant subject line (scrip 62 is 
the relevant scrip)

[Wed Feb 16 15:42:27 2011] [debug]: About to think about scrips for transaction 
#1467131 (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Transaction_Overlay.pm:163)
[Wed Feb 16 15:42:27 2011] [debug]: Committing scrip #55 on txn #1467130 of 
ticket #252411 (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Scrips_Overlay.pm:190)
[Wed Feb 16 15:42:27 2011] [info]: Ticket 252411 created in queue 'Reports' by 
tom.elliott (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm:667)
[Wed Feb 16 15:42:27 2011] [debug]: Found 1 scrips for TransactionBatch stage 
with applicable type(s) Create (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Scrips_Overlay.pm:370)
[Wed Feb 16 15:42:27 2011] [debug]: Committing scrip #62 on txn #1467130 of 
ticket #252411 (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Scrips_Overlay.pm:190)
[Wed Feb 16 15:42:27 2011] [debug]: Found a recovery msg: name of service on 
name.of.host ((eval 29152):20)
[Wed Feb 16 15:42:27 2011] [debug]: doing search ((eval 29152):28)
[Wed Feb 16 15:42:27 2011] [debug]: did search ((eval 29152):32)
[Wed Feb 16 15:42:27 2011] [debug]: starting loop ((eval 29152):34)

(heavily trimmed log)

However, when our monitoring system emails in, it generates an email with 
exactly the same subject and we get:

Wed Feb 16 15:39:04 2011] [info]: Ticket 252408 created in queue 'Reports' by 
nagios@opsview.[masked] (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm:667)
[Wed Feb 16 15:39:04 2011] [debug]: Found 0 scrips for TransactionBatch stage 
with applicable type(s)  (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Scrips_Overlay.pm:370)

Any ideas? I'm aware this probably isn't enough information, but I'm not sure 
what else to provide. I think I am probably doing something quite silly or 
missing something fundamental. Perhaps I need a custom condition? Any input 
really appreciated. Thanks all.

Kind regards,
Tom Elliott
Gyron Internet Ltd
mail:   tom.elli...@gyron.net
web:    http://gyron.net/
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