This seems like a simple thing, but I can't figure it out.  So there's one
main queue, and there's only about... 10 - 15 users total on this RT system
I'm admin for.  They all have access to the main queue.  However, the boss
guy is adding in users/email addresses to the tickets individually in the CC
and requesters, etc... sections of each ticket.  The idea being he wants
everybody to be able to go in and look at whatever ticket it is, but he only
wants emails sent to the specific people he designates on per ticket basis.
 For example:  Ticket A, if commented on, will email user 1, user 3 and user
7.  Ticket B, if commented on, will notify user 1, user 4 and user 9, and so
on and so on.

This seems like it should be simple.. and yet it's not.  Currently, I have
everyone grouped together into a "main" group and set as watchers for the
main queue, and I'm not sure why exactly, but nobody is getting emails
except the boss, who is an admincc.  Could somebody give me some guidance on
how to set this up?  Things I've tried so far:

Setting up global scrip to mail cc, admincc and requesters and removing the
"main" group from cc, which works for email, but then removes everyone in
main group's access to the queue

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