I just upgraded from RT 3.6.6 to 3.8.8 (yesterday, in fact).
Everything is working fine except that when I click on a few menu
options under Tickets I get a mod_security error:

[Mon Feb 28 16:50:46 2011] [error] [client 10.*.*.*] ModSecurity: Rule
execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-8): (null). [hostname
"sub.domain.tld"] [uri "/Search/Edit.html"] [unique_id

This is the full query string that is sent when I click on these options:


This happens with Edit Search, Advanced, Show Results, Bulk Update and
Graph. (The query string is a little different depending on which
option is clicked, but the length of the string is consistent.)

The browser simply returns a "403 Forbidden" because mod_security
blocks access to that URL.

Is this query string of a normal length for these options?

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