I am interested in this as well as my company is in a similar
situation--this capability would determine whether or not we used RT
for tracking information that requires these types of calculations.

Can anyone offer a hint as to whether or not this is possible to do?
Even if it's a custom extension? We may be interesting in paying for
someone to write that?

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Daniel Farst <daniel.fa...@case.edu> wrote:
> I have a couple of things I'd like to do with RT and haven't been able to 
> find any clear answers how to do it, or if it's even possible. Can anyone 
> point me in the right direction? We'd like to do some simple calculations on 
> values stored in a custom fields and on values from those custom fields in 
> tickets returned from a saved search.
> Some background info: We use a queue in RT 3.8.8 to keep track of upcoming 
> orders we need to place with a ticket for each order. Those tickets have 
> custom fields tracking several values including order cost, what we're 
> charging for the order, order status, tracking numbers, etc..
> I'm pretty sure I can accomplish this first part using scrips on a ticket 
> update, but would like confirmation. I'd like to have certain values in a 
> custom field calculated and updated when a different custom field value is 
> changed. i.e. I update the order total and the field holding what we're 
> charging for the order is automatically recalculated and updated as well.
> The second part I'm not sure about. I'd like to be able to have RT give me 
> the result of a calculation of the values in a custom field for the tickets 
> returned by a saved search (e.g. average value of the cost of orders from 
> user 'abc', sum of the cost of orders where custom field Order_Status = 
> Shipped, etc.). Is this doable by RT? Is there an extension that does this 
> that I would need to install?
> Thanks!
> --
> Daniel Farst
> IT Support Coordinator
> College of Arts and Sciences
> Case Western Reserve University
> daniel.fa...@case.edu
> Public key on keyserver.pgp.com

Thomas Smith
Cell: 602-882-2917

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