Just a question... had the user authenticated at least once?
If they aren't in the db or imported from ldap, there's no mention of them in the RT users db hence incoming e-mails can't create tickets.


On 04/03/11 17:46, Brandon Olszewski wrote:

I have a new install of RT 3.8.9 running on SLES11, and I cannot get incoming emails to update/create tickets. I'm using postfix for email routing. Outgoing mail works (all mail routed to an Exchange smarthost). I put a debug switch in my aliases file and the error generated by an incoming email is:

[error] Couldn't find sender's address (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/MailFrom/pm:67)

[error] Could not record email: Could not load a valid user (/opt/rt3/share/html/REST/1.0/noAuth/mail-gateway:75)

From what I understand, this error means that postfix received the email properly and passed it to rt-mailgate, which failed to parse a valid FROM email address from the headers thus rejecting the message.

The only instance I've found of this error happing was resolved by adding "CreateTicket" permissions to the "Everyone" group in RT -- I've done this to no avail.

Linux version:

Perl version: 5.10.0 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi

Non-standard configurations:

Default http site redirects to https

Additional module RT::Authen::ExternalAuth 0.08_01 -- authenticates via LDAP against Active Directory -- is working properly.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and privileged material. Unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you receive this material/information in error, please contact the sender and destroy the material/information.

Email is not a secure form of communication and should not be used to transmit personal or confidential information such as account numbers, balance information, or wire transfer requests. The PrivateBank is not responsible for the security of sensitive information received by email.


Giuseppe Sollazzo
Senior Systems Analyst
Computing Services
Information Services
St. George's, University Of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE

Email: gsoll...@sgul.ac.uk
Direct Dial: +44 20 8725 5160
Fax: +44 20 8725 3583

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