
Thanks for the reply.

On 3/8/2011 4:41 PM, Mark Farver wrote:
I'm having a problem making RT::Authen::ExternalAuth work with LDAP.
Furthermore, when I go to the log to find out what's wrong, I see almost
nothing there.
It took me a very long time to figure this problem out, eventually
figuring it out with strace.  RT::ExternalAuth created an example
/opt/rt3/local/etc/ file that was overriding my
/opt/rt3/etc/ file.  Since the example file created by
ExternalAuth has very little in it it was breaking my config.  Copying
the required contents into my SiteConfig and deleting the example was
all it took to start getting meaningful errors.

I did find another, not inside /opt/rt3/local/etc, but inside /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/etc/ -- however, when I deleted it and restarted apache, there was no change in the logging behavior. I ran a "find /opt/rt3 -name \*Config\*" just to be sure, but it didn't find any config file that I didn't already know about. I also checked in /etc/ but I found nothing there of interest either.

Good eye, though. Any other ideas?

- Micah

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