This is possible, if you find a Way to Store The support Contract information. 
Good starting Point is Asset tracker in this Case, where you can Store The 
information. Based on The customfield with The Client information and a Tiny 
Script you can Link to The Contract and also you can Grab The Time information 
from The Asset and out them into The Ticket. If you Need more help, let me Know.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 24.03.2011 um 12:54 schrieb Walid Haider <walid.hai...@movensis.com>:

> Hi,
> I am running RT 3.8.4 and have created a custom field, with a list of all our 
> clients, so that the client name is selected from the list when creating or 
> updating a ticket.
> I am now looking to implement a way of checking if the client’s support 
> contract has not expired (and perhaps even, displaying a message informing 
> the RT user that the client’s contract has expired and also highlighting the 
> custom field in red – under ticket metadata – when viewing existing tickets 
> referring to clients that do not have valid support contract).
> This support contract information is available in an excel spreadsheet that I 
> could either:
> ·         link to RT in some way (of course, the danger here is that in order 
> for this to work, the name of client must be exactly the same as in RT) or;
> ·         update the support contract information in RT form time to time 
> (probably safer this way)
> In future, I would also like to allow our clients to be able to view and 
> update their own tickets, and would also like to deny access (automatically, 
> based on the check above) if the support contract has expired – possibly 
> displaying a message informing the user that why the access was denied.   
> I would really appreciate in if someone could point me in the right direction.
> Thanks and regards,
> Walid

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