I must be missing something obvious…

On Create, I have a Scrip that looks at the requestor’s Organization field
(presuming, of course, they’ve sent us email before and we’ve set a value
for it).  If it matches one of the values in a multi-select custom field we
have at the Ticket level called “Client”, then it automatically assigns the
“Client” custom field to that ticket.  Here is the relevant part from that

my $T_Obj = $self->TicketObj;

$T_Obj->AddCustomFieldValue( Field => "Client", Value => $client->Name );

That works great.  Next, it goes to another Scrip that then performs a
Notify AdminCcs using a custom template.  This template sends the AdminCcs a
copy of the Transaction->Content, but then appends the just assigned custom
field to the email.  Here is the relevant part from that Template:


{ my $OUTPUT;

  my $rTicket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );


  my $values = $rTicket->CustomFieldValues('Client');

  $OUTPUT .= ":" . $values . ":<BR>";

  while (my $value = $values->Next ) {

     $OUTPUT .= "*" . $value->Content . "*<BR>";




Now, here’s the problem.  If that custom field was propagated via the Scrip
mentioned in the first section, it doesn’t carry that value into the
Template even though the Template is executed after it:

Execution Order (reversed):

Wed Mar 30 14:39:21 2011 The RT System itself - Outgoing email recorded

Wed Mar 30 14:39:20 2011 The RT System itself - Outgoing email recorded

Wed Mar 30 14:39:18 2011 The RT System itself - Client AAAA added

If, however, I use RT to create a new ticket and self-select the Client
custom field, it will work.  So, I know I’m pulling the right field out in
the Template.

I even tried re-loading the ticket (as you see above) in the hopes that it
would re-read the new value from the database.

Any idea how I might be able to accomplish this?  As far as I can tell, the
Scrip is correctly updating the DB, it executes before the Template gets
rendered, and the code is correct in the Template.  Thanks.


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