In your place, I would look at how Bookmarks work.

On 2011-04-01 11:02, Raphaël MOUNEYRES wrote:

on a RT3.8.8

We're using Dashboards with tickets order by priorities to see current actions.
During meetings we want to change priorities of displayed tickets.
to achieve this we need to : click on the ticket name, go to essential view, change priority, validate, and finally clisk a shortcut to the dashboard.
this is not very user friendly

What we would like is to be able to change priorities while in the dashboard view.
  Either by drag'n'drop (ideal but many UI coding seems necessary)
  or having the priorities being combobxes (drop down list)
  or having +/- buttons next to the priority number
or having http links in custom fields launching a scrip to update the priority (like an Up arrow, and a Down arrow)

the only solution i found is to have the priority number clickable to the modify.html page, wich save a few clicks

i tried adding a custom field style combobox to the tickets but the dashboard still display the actual value not the combobox. >> maybe it is possible to modify the ColumnMap to show the combobox instead of the value ?

The other solution i'm considering is in the "ticket search" engine
when adding a column to display we can choose a Format:Relation with standard transactions actions, and resulting in something like : '<a href="__WebPath__/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Respond&amp;id=__id__">__QueueName__</a>' >> Would it be possible to start a custom Scrip action when clicking the link instead of a web page ?
>> or maybe a custom html page ?

Does anyone has made something similar working, with any of these or another solution ?

dependeing on your answer, i may add this to the wishlist.

thank you,


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