On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 11:12:13PM +0200, Jan Hugo Prins wrote:
> On 04/01/2011 04:05 PM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> > RT creates a user record for any email address associated with a
> > ticket.  That is a fundamental part of how RT works.
> >
> > Why are you concerned about this?
> Well, it's not that I'm concerned about it, but we were wandering about
> this during our tests on how to get RT working with creating new
> external users, while also allowing users authenticate that have a LDAP
> account. This doesn't seem to work the way it is supposed to work, at
> least not yet, and then we thought, can we accept tickets without
> creating the account. Besides that, when your RT installation starts
> receiving spam mail, then you can end up with an enormous user database,
> so allowing external users to autocreate an account is not really an
> option I think.
> Jan Hugo

Putting a reasonable SPAM filter in front of RT greatly minimizes
this problem. We pass all non-authenticated (remote) users through
DSPAM and let the quarantine catch the spam. Authenticated mail
senders zoom right in.


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