On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 12:18 -0400, Thomas Sibley wrote:
> On 04/05/2011 12:07 PM, Burton Simonds wrote:
> > What is the current status of rt 3.9?  I noticed in the devel
> > repository there were a several there, but the release candidates for
> > RT4 seem to have more recent updates.  Is 3.9 considered stable enough
> > for production?  The reason I ask, is it seems to have several
> > features that I might be interested in.
> 3.9 became 4.0, the same way 3.5 became 3.6 and the shorter lived 3.7
> became 3.8.  If you want to test the fun new features, you want to try
> our latest release candidate, 4.0.0rc8.  

Where is rc8, I don't see it in the devel directory?


> Release candidate means we
> think it's ready for production testing.  If you try it out, please let
> us know how it goes for you.
> Thomas

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