On 04/15/2011 11:23 AM, Giuseppe Sollazzo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to use this scrip to auto close Nagios tickets upon
> recovery:
> http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/AutoCloseOnNagiosRecoveryMessages
> The Script is launched, but there's an error
> [Sat Mar  5 02:40:02 2011] [error]: Scrip 12 Commit failed: Quantifier
> follows nothing in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/* <-- HERE * RECOVERY
> (w+) - (.*) OK **/ at (eval 3695) line 13.
> I'm not terribly good at Perl and especially its regexp, but I've got a
> feeling it might be an escaping issue?
> Has anyone encountered this problem - or am I maybe just using a very
> old script?

I don't know if the scrip is old or not, but you need to backslash
escape the asterisks at the beginning and end of that regex (but not the
one following the period in the middle).

m/\*\* RECOVERY (w+) - (.*) OK \*\*/


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