> Thanks once again for all of the input, IE is indeed the primary browser
> here, but we do have users using Mozilla Firefox 4 as well. I have tried
> logging in within FF4, and I get the same errors as I do in IE. I think
> that there is some basic link not taking place between IE(FF4) and RT
> (RT::Auth*), which is interesting (or rather odd) since as I mentioned
> before, I am able to login using LDAP directly (though unable I may be
> of passing the SSO check itself). I read on a previous message that
> RT::Auth* was now at 0.08_02 (not sure if this is correct)? Perhaps I
> should use this version with RT 3.89 and see if this fixes the issue. 
> You mentioned mod_auth_kerb, and I actually do have mod_auth_kerb
> installed for Apache2, so I'm thinking this could be another likely way
> to go (would this work for FF4 as well?). I've also used Likewise Open
> to physically join the server to our primary domain controller, but this
> has not made much of a difference (yet) - although I am sure that a
> separate connector has to probably be setup within Likewise for RT (but
> I am at the moment not familiar with this option). As another feasible
> option for SSO, would it be better to just use an AD synchronized
> OpenLDAP server, using something like a DBI Authentication module? 

RT::Authen::ExternalAuth does not provide transparent SSO using spnego
What you're seeing in the logs is the support for cookie based SSO

If you want to tie IE or a kerberized FF to an AD server using windows
SSO, you want mod_auth_kerb


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