On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 05:33:27PM +0200, Raphaël MOUNEYRES wrote:
>    Hi,
>    i have two RT 3.8.8 instances running on two different servers with ip 
> such as
>    and
>    the first RT has
>        Set($Organization, 'serverone.mydomain')
>        Set($WebBaseURL, 'http://serverone.mydomain')
>    the second RT has
>         Set($Organization, "servertwo.mydomain')
>         Set($WebBaseURL, 'http://servertwo.mydomain')
>    when on the first instance i try to create a depenence toward a ticket on 
> the other instance
>    with the following address :
>      fsck.com-rt://servertwo/ticket/51
>    it says
>    "cannot convert  fsck.com-rt://servertwo/ticket/51 to a URI"
>    what am i missing here ? is such a thing possible ?

ticket links are fsck.com-rt://$Organization/ticket/id 
and as you've discovered, RT will fail to parse links that don't match
the current Organization.

If you want to cross link tickets, you want to just be making normal
http links to an external ticket.


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