On 13/05/2011, at 9:28 AM, Gavin Henry wrote:

> Hi,
> Can this be done?

My RT is configured to use my primary domain, ie. support@mydomain. It receives 
email at a subdomain - ie. support@rt.mydomain.

My primary domain is hosted at Google Apps (for business, not the free one). My 
RT subdomain is hosted on my RT server, and delivers support@rt.mydomain mail 
to the rt-mailgate script, etc.
I have an account configured in Google Apps for support@mydomain, and using the 
per-user mail routing I route this to support@rt.mydomain and set it as the 
recipient, and then not deliver this mail to the Google mailbox for this user.

It seems to work well.

I had previously had it set up with a group that anyone could post to called 
support@mydomain with support@rt.mydomain as the only member, but then one of 
my customers got blocked by (from memory) a Google Groups spam filter thing 
(their mail server got hacked at some point and blacklisted by something) and 
there was no way to bypass that. Per-user mail routing worked best, and really 
is the proper way to do it.

An alternative is to use fetchmail to periodically pull RT mail from a POP 
account or something, this is fairly well documented elsewhere.

Nathan Ward

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