
I need some help understanding the flow of tickets in RT, specifically how
to work with suppliers.

In our test setup one questing came forth about sending a ticket to a
supplier and how to go about it.
Lets say we have a customer sending us an incident ticket. The incident ends
up being the problem of our supplier so we need to have the ticket depend on
a suppliers actions.

Our current setup is pretty much default with two queue's for internal

   - Queues:
      - Servicedesk: All new e-mails go to this queue.
      - Tech support: Thirdline support for the servicedesk.
      - CF's:
      - A few under users for easy selection of organizations.
      - And a few for the tickets for selecting to what categorie a ticket
      belongs to.
      - In addition I've installed the SLA plugin with two test SLA's.

In our old system we would do these things by assigning a ticket to a
supplier, does that mean that I would need to create a queue for each
supplier that we work with for this to work?

I'm guessing "yes", hoping "no", for some suppliers having a queue is ok but
for allot of other ones it's not ok. We work for the government, some direct
suppliers are easy to write down as a queue but sometimes a townhall needs
to fix something which would mean that we have to add roughly 450 queue's
(one for each townhall).

Anyway, if someone could help me understand how to work with suppliers then
I'd be extremely gratefull.

Best regards,


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