On Thu, 2011-06-23 at 16:12 -0500, Adam Thompson wrote:
> What RT error log?  I included everything lighttpd logged, and RT didn't 
> log anything except what I showed, not to stderr, nor syslog, nor any 
> file.  (Hence my question about what would be useful to turn on for 
> debugging here...)

Turning LogToFile or LogToSyslog to debug is the right knob.  That
they're not getting anything written to them implies that the
configuration file is failing to be read.  Are the permissions
on /opt/rt4/etc/RT_Config.pm and /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm what you
expect?  Are the permission on /opt/rt4/var/mason_data correct?

If you're running rt-server as root, like you demonstrate, you're likely
creating directories and files owned by root, which the fastcgi process
under lighttpd, running as www-data, won't be able to cope with.

> I turned LogToScreen and LogToSyslog both up to "debug", but still nothing 
> shows up anywhere... it's as though something is failing around exec(2) 
> rather than inside the RT fcgi daemon, but everything *looks* ok, and as 
> I've reiterated, it worked fine under 4.0.0.

I can't replicate this.  Unfortunately, due to
http://redmine.lighttpd.net/issues/499 , it's hard to get debugging
information out of a fastcgi process before it's read the config file,
so you may have to resort to:

strace -ff -o lighttpd.strace \
  /usr/sbin/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

..and examining the files for the fcgi children that are spawned.
 - Alex

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