Dear RT-Users,

I have an old server running:
Red Hat Linux 3.2.3
MySQL 4.0.23-standard
Perl 5.8.3
Apache 2.0.46
RT 3.2.2

Trying to move the database to a new server running:
Ubuntu Server 11.04
MySQL 5.1.54-1ubuntu4
Perl 5.10.1
Apache2 2.2.17 
RT 4.0.1

I followed the guide at, with some changes 
because I'm going from / to different versions of software.

1. On the RT3.2.2 server I ran:
        Mysqldump --user=root --password={password} --opt --skip-lock-tables 
--single-transaction --databases rt3 > /home/mysql/rt3.sql
(tried --default-character-set=binary, but got the error "Character set 
'binary' is not a compiled character set", and we don't have, need, or use 
binary attachments).
2. FTPd the rt3.sql dump to the RT4.0.1 server.
3. On the RT4.0.1 server, stopped Apache2.
4. Dropped the rt3 database: make dropdb
5. Imported the dump file: mysql --user=root --password={password} < rt3.sql
6. Ran mysql -p and made sure the database "rt3" and the tables appeared, and 
they did.
7. Ran the schema updates, with 3.2.2 as the starting version, and 3.7.87 as 
the ending version (as stated in the documentation): 
/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-setup-database \ --prompt-for-dba-password --action upgrade
8. Get the following error when performing the schema updates:

Processing 3.3.0
Now populating database schema.
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'ObjectCustomFieldValues' already exists 
at /opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/ line 517.

The schema update process stops there, and does not continue.  I read about 
possibly needing to upgrade my MySQL installation on the Red Hat server from 
4.0 to at least 4.1, but I'm not even sure I can find 4.1, and I read of some 
issues involving character set changes between versions.  Not sure about 
compatibility between later versions of MySQL and RT3.2.2.  The Red Hat server 
is a production server, so I sure don't want to break it.  I checked the tables 
after loading the RT3 dump into the new server and DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 on 
those tables, so I believe that is correct.

Has anyone else run into a similar problem updating the schema, and do you have 
any advice or recommendations?

Also, is the current schema version stored anywhere in the RT database, so I 
can manually check the current schema version?

Thank you very much for any advice / guidance you can provide,


2011 Training:

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