On Thu, 2011-07-21 at 19:20 -0600, Ian Roy wrote:
> I’ve attempted to configure the status mapping in RT_SiteConfig.pm,
> but I must be missing something.  Could someone confirm that I’ve got
> the formatting proper? Also, do I need to place this in each
> corresponding lifecycle, or just once in the lifecycle section of the
> file?

> _maps__ => {
>     'swdev -> default' => {
>         'Created => new',
>         'InDevelopment => open',
>         'Completed => resolved',
>         …Etc… 
>     },
> },

Your "__maps__" is missing one of its two leading underscores, but I
presume that to be a copy-and-paste mistake.  The actual problem is your
quoting.  You want:

__maps__ => {
    'swdev -> default' => {
        'Created'       => 'new',
        'InDevelopment' => 'open',
        'Completed'     => 'resolved',
        # ...

Note that each side of the => is a quoted string, not each line being a
single quoted string with a => in it.
 - Alex

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