On Tue, 12 Jul 2011, Kevin Falcone wrote:

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 04:19:18PM +0200, Raphaël MOUNEYRES wrote:

   I installed the extension RTx::BecomUser on my 3.8.8 RT, and the option 
displayed as expected
   in the menu.
   I can choose someone to become, and can see the Congratulation messages, as 
well as the name
   changing on the top bar.

   But this is short success as i have configured RT to have Apache 
Authentication for pages...
   so as soon as i click on another page, i become myself again....

   Is there any way to keep the selected user active with apache auth, or may i 
be a new feature
   for this plugin ?

Unfortunately, this isn't a BPS extension, so you probably need to
ping the author about it.

I modified becomeuser to fit our needs - and to work with the way RTs sessionhandling changed some versions back. Not sure if it will work with Apache Auth though. Attaching our BecomeUser.html.

Mikal Gule

<<< TEXT/html; name=BecomeUser.html: Unrecognized >>>
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