On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Bart <b...@pleh.info> wrote:
> I've finished the scrip with my initial purpose, which was to set the ticket
> type (incident, problem or change) along with the priority (1 to 5) and
> based on those two values set the SLA field (from the SLA plugin/addon).
> The result is listed below, this basically does the following:
> CF Type && CF Prio = SLA
> System Prio = CF Prio

> The reason why I'm using a CF for the prio is to make it easy for our
> personell to select a value upon creating a ticket + it forces them to
> select a fixed vlaue (dropdown) which makes it a little faster as well.
> In addition I'm also making sure the system prio field is set to the same
> value as the CF Prio.

Instead of using CF for priority you can use PriorityAsString extension.

Best regards, Ruslan.

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