On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 1:25 PM, john s. <firesk...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Okay i have installed the History Extension from you Chris
> but i don't understand in which way the plugin work.

As far as I recall it hides specific type of transactions from
Display.html, but people still can see full history from History.html.

> i want to filter out some messages from the history for an  specific user
> group

If you want to hide some specific reply from particular group then
this extension wouldn't help you. RT has Comment/Correspond concepts
to split conversation into two parallel threads. Rights allow you to
setup who can see only corresponds or everything.

> but for admins it should be still display all messages
> so in which way i'll have to do this?
> best regards john s.
Best regards, Ruslan.
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