On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 06:37:10AM -0400, Joe Harris wrote:
> We are running 3.8.8.  We have some custom fields we would like to
> auto-populate using scripts.  Basically, like so:
> customfield id = 1 - Client/Project
> customfield id = 2 - Task/Code
> In the create new ticket form, the data in Task/Code is dependent on
> what is chosen in Client/Project.  I cannot for the life of me figure
> out how they are related within the database structure.  I know it has
> to do with the sortorder in customfieldvalues, but I cannot see where
> they are related.  We want to script on the backend updating the
> information based on data that pulls from another database.  We hav
> the data to load, just need to figure out how to relate them.

Sounds like you may want an external custom field, which has
documentation in docs, however I'm not sure that dependent custom
fields that are external worked until later in the 3.8 series.


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