Complaing about validating the password after locating the user entry.

I am now receiving the following out of the external auth:

[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth service: 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: Calling UserExists with $username 
(blmurphy) and $service (EIUAD) 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: blmurphy , service: EIUAD 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
dc=eiuad,dc=eiu,dc=edu == Filter: (&(objectClass=*)(sAMAccountName=blmurphy)) 
== Attrs: sAMAccountName 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: Password validation required for service - 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: Trying external auth service: EIUAD 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
dc=eiuad,dc=eiu,dc=edu == Filter: (&(sAMAccountName=blmurphy)(objectClass=*)) 
== Attrs: dn 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: Found LDAP DN: CN=Murphy\, Brian,OU=ITS 
Employees,OU=Employee Accounts,OU=EIU USERS,DC=eiuad,DC=eiu,DC=edu 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
dc=eiuad,dc=eiu,dc=edu == Filter: (member=CN=Murphy, Brian,OU=ITS 
Employees,OU=Employee Accounts,OU=EIU USERS,DC=eiuad,DC=eiu,DC=edu) == Attrs: 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [info]: EIUAD AUTH FAILED: blmurphy 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: LDAP password validation result: 0 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: Password Validation Check Result:  0 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth. Response: 
(0, Password Invalid) 
[Tue Aug 30 16:15:09 2011] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for blmurphy from 

Using the following settings:

Set($ExternalSettings,      {
                                # EIUAD Active Directory
                                'EIUAD'       =>  {   ## GENERIC SECTION
                                                        # The type of service 
    =>  'ldap',
                                                        # The server hosting 
the service
    =>  '',
                                                        ## SERVICE-SPECIFIC 
                                                        # If you can bind to 
your LDAP server anonymously you should
                                                        # remove the user and 
pass config lines, otherwise specify them here:
                                                        # The username RT 
should use to connect to the LDAP server
    =>  'CN=RT Auth,OU=Sensitive,DC=eiuad,DC=eiu,DC=edu',
                                                        # The password RT 
should use to connect to the LDAP server
  =>  'xxxxxxxxx!',
                                                        # The LDAP search base
     =>  'ou=its employees,ou=employee accounts,ou=eiu 
    =>   'dc=eiuad,dc=eiu,dc=edu',
                                                        # ALL FILTERS MUST BE 
                                                        # YOU **MUST** SPECIFY 
A filter AND A d_filter!!
                                                        # The filter to use to 
match RT-Users
    =>  '(objectClass=*)',
                                                        # A catch-all example 
filter: '(objectClass=*)'
                                                        # The filter that will 
only match disabled users
    =>  '(objectclass=Foo)',
                                                        # A catch-none example 
d_filter: '(objectClass=FooBarBaz)'
                                                        # Should we try to use 
TLS to encrypt connections?
    =>  0,
                                                        # SSL Version to 
provide to Net::SSLeay *if* using SSL
    =>  3,
                                                        # What other args 
should I pass to Net::LDAP->new($host,@args)?
    => [    version =>  3   ],
                                                        # Does authentication 
depend on group membership? What group name?
    =>  'CN=RT_Access,OU=Sensitive,DC=eiuad,DC=eiu,DC=edu',
                                                        # What is the attribute 
for the group object that determines membership?
    =>  'member',
                                                        ## RT ATTRIBUTE 
                                                        # The list of RT 
attributes that uniquely identify a user
                                                        # This example shows 
what you *can* specify.. I recommend reducing this
                                                        # to just the Name and 
EmailAddress to save encountering problems later.
    => [    'Name'
                                                        # The mapping of RT 
attributes on to LDAP attributes
    =>  {   'Name' => 'sAMAccountName'

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Murphy" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:59:08 AM
Subject: Fwd: [rt-users] rt4 and External Auth to AD 2008 non-ssl

Well, sh**!  Sometimes the simplest are the most difficult.  I was way too 
close to the forest to see the trees on that one.  Having a . instead of the , 
in my base string was causing me to not be able to find the entry.  I have my 
filter set to () and am using the sAMAccountName and finding the user account, 
but now it refuses my password.  here is what I get in the log.  Any ideas.  I 
know my password and am using it for other accounts.

[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth service: 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: Calling UserExists with $username 
(blmurphy) and $service (EIUAD) 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: blmurphy , service: EIUAD 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
dc=eiuad,dc=eiu,dc=edu == Filter: (&(sAMAccountName=blmurphy)) == Attrs: 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: Password validation required for service - 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: Trying external auth service: EIUAD 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
dc=eiuad,dc=eiu,dc=edu == Filter: (&(sAMAccountName=blmurphy)) == Attrs: dn 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: Found LDAP DN: CN=Murphy\, Brian,OU=ITS 
Employees,OU=Employee Accounts,OU=EIU USERS,DC=eiuad,DC=eiu,DC=edu 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: 
dc=eiuad,dc=eiu,dc=edu == Filter: (member=CN=Murphy, Brian,OU=ITS 
Employees,OU=Employee Accounts,OU=EIU USERS,DC=eiuad,DC=eiu,DC=edu) == Attrs: 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [info]: EIUAD AUTH FAILED: blmurphy 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: LDAP password validation result: 0 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: Password Validation Check Result:  0 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth. Response: 
(0, Password Invalid) 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:14 2011] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for blmurphy from 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:17 2011] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth service: 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:17 2011] [debug]: SSO Failed and no user to test with. 
[Tue Aug 30 15:48:17 2011] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth. Response: 
(0, No User) 

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Chandek-Stark" <>
To: "Brian Murphy" <>,
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:41:54 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] rt4 and External Auth to AD 2008 non-ssl

I'm guessing your base should have a comma b/w "eiu" and "dc" -- I.e.,


On 8/30/11 11:34 AM, "Brian Murphy" <> wrote:
>[Tue Aug 30 15:29:48 2011] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base:
>dc=eiuad,dc=eiu.dc=edu == Filter: (&(sAMAccountName=blmurphy)) == Attrs:

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