Hello list.

I'm running RT 3.8.8 on Debian.

Using the cli I need to get information on queues. I can look up
queues with no spaces in their name, but I can't figure out to handle
queues with spaces in their names.

Looking up the queue "queue_name" works:
rt show -t queue some_queue

I can't figure out how to look up the queue "queue name".
I have tried the below without success:
rt show -t queue some\ queue
rt show -t queue 'some queue'
rt show -t queue some%20queue

I get the error:
rt: show: Unrecognised argument 'queue name'.
rt: show: No objects specified.
rt: For help, run 'rt help show'.
rt: For help, run 'rt help queue'.

Any ideas?

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