Hi Kenneth,

thank you for the reply. I was looking into what i could do with dashboards.. The subscription timing is run once a day only, or you need to create more dashes ? The notification i need has to run every 5 minutes to find a ticket. I think i would be better off with rt-crontool then ?



On 10/17/11 9:05 PM, Kenneth Crocker wrote:

I like using Dashboards for this type of function. Create a search to give you what you want and then create a Dashboard to run it and set up your subscription for the timing.


On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Mayk Backus <bac...@nlcom.nl <mailto:bac...@nlcom.nl>> wrote:

    Hi List,

    I'm new to RT, and i've spend a lot of time trying to get a
    feature working i'm used to having in otrs.

    We need several queues in RT, each queue needs to notify "queue
    members" when a ticket has gone by N amount of time without being
    worked on. Searching around i found the untouchedin script on the
    wiki. Trying several versions of the script, but all of them run
    into the same problem. rt-cron runs ok for others jobs, but when i
    run it for the untouchedin script it fails on : "Failed to load
    module RT::Condition::UntouchedInHours. (Can't locate
    RT/I18N/en_us.pm <http://en_us.pm>" . I checked the posting not
    having the complete script, trying the version suggested but to no

    Having a look on a second system, pulling RT out of the ubuntu
    repo's , i see the I18N directory containing more files, but not
    the en_us.pm <http://en_us.pm> file.

    Trying to create workarounds with a script upping the priority ,
    and a second rt-cron checking tickets with priorit higher then N
    commenting with a custom template works, kinda-ish.. The drawback
    here is that the ticketresponder needs to manually set back the
    priority to avoid being hit up by an e-mail notification he's not
    responding to fast.

    To me, the untouchedin script could do the trick, since (the way i
    understand i should work, but then agian, i'm a noob) it
    calculates the time since last response and the time the script is
    run. If a ticketresponder updates the ticket, the script does nothing.

    Can someone please point me in a direction to a sollution, i'm
    lost at the moment.
    My RT Version is 4.0.2 , running Ubuntu 10.04.

    Thank you in advance.


    Mayk Backus

    RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
    *  San Francisco, CA, USA  October 18 & 19, 2011
    *  Washington DC, USA  October 31 & November 1, 2011
    *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 & 29, 2011

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
*  San Francisco, CA, USA — October 18 & 19, 2011
*  Washington DC, USA — October 31 & November 1, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011

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